19 December 2008

Grace to Meg

G: Meggy, you are a cute little human.

M: Tank-you.

17 December 2008

Christmas Cookies!

We made Christmas cookies today! The kind you get to use cookie cutters for! And frosting! And sprinkles! And M&Ms!

Here we'd just finished making the cookie dough, and Tristan and I are cleaning off the beaters and Meg's working on the spatula.

We're making the frosting! There's no picture, but after we made the white frosting, we added colors! And stirred!

After the cookies baked in the oven and cooled a bit, we decorated!


Here's one of Meg's finished creations.

13 December 2008

Some park pictures

The Thanksgiving Crew

Tio Luke

Tio Luke came to Texas! He was at our house AND at Mimi and Pa's house. He's super. I picked him all time to read my goodnight stories. He knows how to read.

Hanging Out at Thanksgiving

This is sort of ancient, but here we are anyway -- I was hanging out at the park while we were at Mimi and Pa's for Thanksgiving.

We're Back!

Hey, everybody! We got a new camera, which means we can take pictures again! Woo!

if anybody talks about something being broken or breaking something, lil' Meg says, "Mama bwoke camwa!" Mama loves that.

07 November 2008


Mama broke the camera. If you want to see me and my sister you might have to just come over.

Woo! for Meg

This is my sister Meg. She's an underwear girl now, just like me.

Mimi's Girls

Sisters on the Stairs

27 October 2008

Children's Museum

Hey y'all, we went to the children's museum a couple of weekends ago, and I forgot to tell you about it! So here are a few pictures:

Here's me, driving a train.

Here's Meg and Daddy, playing with these gears.

And I built this baby robin's nest. The baby robin is supposed to sleep right in here.

And over here I'm fixing things.

22 October 2008

Mimi's Zoo

We went to Mimi's Zoo last week! It was super -- they have a ton of animals. We liked the monkeys a lot and the bears and the lions and the snakes best. Taking pictures of the animals didn't go super well, but here's a nice picture of me and my sister and my Mimi. We were looking at the monkeys.

Mimi's Salon


10 October 2008

Budding Artist

Y'all! Check this out! Mama and Daddy turned our pantry door into a chalkboard! Can you believe it? It rules.

this is me, drawing on the pantry door!

...and here's the happy face I made.

Sweet Sisters


Car Washing

We washed Daddy's car. Daddy and I did most of the work.

Hold us!

at the outdoor expo, there was lots and lots of walking. But also a fair amount of holding...

here's Daddy holding me.

and Mama's holding Meg. Meg doesn't look
very happy, does she?

Outdoor Expo

Last weekend, Mama and Daddy and Meg and I went to the outdoor expo. It was pretty fun - we saw some neat animals like kangaroos and porkypines and fish and things. And I shot a bow and arrow! So did Mama and Daddy, but Meggie was too little. Here's a couple of pictures of me shooting the bow and arrow:

01 October 2008

Grace to Mama

Mama, where do the stars live during the daytime?

25 September 2008

Hanging Out

Electric Slide

Mama and Meg and I were at the park today, twice actually, since it was super nice out. When my sissy and I went down the curly slide, our hair went waaay out -- it was a hoot! And if we touched before getting off the slide, there was a big crack! Here's a couple pictures:

Look at my hair!

And Meg's hair!

Look at Meg again, she's too funny!

20 September 2008


Mama and Meg and I made muffins this morning. They turned out great! Plus we got to use the table Daddy made for us in the kitchen. It's sized just right for me and Meg! So we're even more help to Mama, if you can even imagine that. Here's a handful of pictures of the process:

This is me and Meggy working at the table.

Here's me using the mixer.

And boy, are these muffins good!

Meg Rose even tried to eat the paper.

Lil' Meg