30 December 2007

Merry Christmas from Us

Meg here! Merry Christmas, y'all!
see my sister's smiley face? tee hee.

Christmas Grace

Here's my sister in her Christmas dress. She's beautiful, don't you think?

This is my cousin.

His name is Joshua. He's littler than me (a July baby), but he's also bigger than me (by a couple of pounds). I like him a lot.

Oh boy!

Oh boy, was I a cute Christmas baby! Look at these pictures! And let me tell you, there's plenty more of them - this is just a small sampling!

My Daddy

My daddy is the handsomest.

Meg's favorite past-times...

my sister Meg sleeps a lot. But when she wasn't sleeping last week, she was usually either climbing on this rocking chair, or else pushing around the little walkie cart. Here's a couple pictures to show you what I'm talking about.

Here's the walkie cart.

Meg really digs it.

And here's the rocking chair. Personally, I probably wouldn't have let my little sister climb on it, but she really had fun and never got hurt.

A Glamor Shot

Toys at Gram's

We went to Gram and Grandpa's house, and Meg and I found some super toys to play with.

Meg found a riding horse and a chew-fish.

And I found a shopping cart to push Big Baby around in!

After a while we swapped.

I let Meg keep the chew-fish, though.


North is cold. They have snow, even, which is white and cold and wet. We had coats and special pants and boots and mittens and gloves and hats and scarves.

Here I'm all dressed up and ready to go outside. Just after this picture was taken, I may or may not have announced that I needed to pee....

Here's me and Aunt Leah riding on the sled!

Here's me. What are the things on my hand called again?

In this picture I'm standing by the igloo. Really.

Here's my mama and my Aunt Hannah. They went sledding.

Reading Books

Part of what's great about having a bunch of adults around is that they can all read! Lots of people read books to us last week.

Uncle Ben can read, so he read books to me and Jacob and Big Baby.

Here's Aunt Leah (she can read, too), and she's doing a book just for me!

Grandma Mary is a good reader, too.

Let us out!

Bath Time

It was bath time for the "big kids". Big Kids means kids who can walk. The little kids have to bathe seperately because they might fall over. But Jacob and I don't fall over.

So here we are!

Super Grandpa

This is Grandpa Bruce, holding my sister Meg and my cousin Jacob.

Coming Soon...

.... lots o' pictures! We took oodles of pictures while we were up north - we had such a great time! We met Joshua, our new little cousin, and played with Jacob, our other cousin. We hung out with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunties and Uncles, we ate lots of good food, we opened presents, it was really great. It may take a little bit to get all the pictures up, but they'll be coming along.

16 December 2007

What a Baby!

A couple of Rudy's moments

I enjoy the bread at Rudy's.

And my sister Meg likes the straws.

Merry Pre-Christmas

This weekend Mimi and Pa came over to my house and we celebrated Pre-Christmas! Santa made an early stop, and we had a great fajita dinner. It was loads of fun.

Here's my sister, checking out the present stash.

And here's me, getting into the presents!

Thanks for coming over, Mimi and Pa. And thanks for the presents!

Meg's New Ride

15 December 2007

An Actual Conversation from Today

Meg here. Here's something I overheard today - I offer it to you.

Grace: *munch, munch, munch*

Mama: whatcha eating, Grace?

Grace: boogers.

Mama: hm.... please don't eat boogers, Grace. It's better to put them on a kleenex.

Daddy: *snicker, snicker*

10 December 2007

06 December 2007

More Santa Hats

Right, so Mama bought these Santa hats the other day, and wants me and Meg to wear them all the time...

so here's some pictures.

03 December 2007

A photo shoot

Meg here. Mama got Santa hats for us today... so here I am.

Eventually I got tired of wearing the hat. So I took it off. And stepped on it.

Mama kept trying to put it back on me, so I took off my diaper.

Then everything was better.

All Dressed Up!

Meg and Mama and Daddy and I went to a birthday party on Sunday - our friend Mason just turned 2! Here's Meg and me in our party dresses.




Our dad is the best. Here he is.

As a side note, this is the face my sister Grace makes when someone asks her to smile. Tee hee.