30 August 2006


My grandpa stopped by last weekend, and brought his truckasaurus. He let me try it out. Look out, here I come!

Pick me up!


I like wearing my daddy's socks.

29 August 2006


Aunt Leah and I are wearing shades. You dig?

I love Aunt Hannah.

This is Aunt Hannah.

I like her.

The Salt Lick

We went to the Salt Lick last week, which is about the best barbecue place ever.

This is me studying the menu. It's pretty basic: you pick what kind of barbecue you want.

This is what I ordered.

I love my grandpa.

My grandpa and I had a great time together. He likes babies in general, and I think he likes me in particular. Here's some of the things we did together:

....we had a few cuddles and he's a good baby transport...

...we read books...

...and perhaps best of all, he let me play in the dirt. A lot.

another park picture.

The formatting was getting hairy with all those park pictures... when I'm 2 I'll probably be able to handle it, but for now I just decided to make a new post. It's another park picture.

Welcome to Texas!

I have a lot of catching up to do on my blog! I had visitors last week, so there's lots and lots of pictures to put up...

I took my grandma and grandpa and Aunt Leah and Aunt Hannah to my favorite park, and they took pictures of me and we all played. Here's some park pictures:

Aunt Leah is a pretty good swing pusher.

Aunt Hannah played buckets with me.

My grandma helped me get to the slide.

I found what looked like a very comfy seat...

...but staying on was more difficult than you might expect.

15 August 2006

Too cute?

All the time when my mama and I are out complete strangers tell how cute I am. Sometimes even in front of their own kids. See what you think...

I love the park

My mama and I go to the park all the time. Here's some park pictures from today.

Breakfast with Daddy

Breakfast with Daddy is one of my very favorite times of the day. I get to sit with him while he eats cereal.

I extra like it because he shares.

07 August 2006

I love this game!!

Mama has a big exercise ball, but we don't really use it for exercising, whatever that is. We mainly use it for pounding on. It makes a cool noise and the pounding is funnest when I'm standing right next to it and it makes me jiggle and giggle.

Little pink riding hood

It's difficult for my 'rents to take pictures of me these days because I'm so fast. But they do their best. Here's me in my after-bath little pink riding hood dress. Well, part of me.